Usikker på komponist og forfattar, men an e jaffal sungen vidunderligt vakkert på CD'n "Ein Kvilestad" med den vidgjetne og velklingjande Solbakk-Kvartetten!
Vår Herre og FrelserVår Herre og Frelser, han kaller på deg,Vil du nå slippe ham inn?For intet i verden kan frelse din sjel;Slipp Ham nå inn i ditt sinn!Gang etter gang har Han ventet på deg,Og nå får du kallet igjen.Han vil du skal åpne din tillukte dør;Lukk Ham nå inn, kjære venn.Om du tar beslutningen nå, kjære venn,Står han og venter på deg.Kan hende du aldri får kallet igjen,Vil du la Ham gå sin vei?Gang etter gang har Han ventet på deg,Og nå får du kallet igjen.Han vil du skal åpne din tillukte dør;Lukk ham nå inn, kjære venn!
Vil du?
Jeg vil!
SvarSlettYou wrote: “Du skriver: ” Vår Herre og Frelser, han kaller på deg,””
I will reply to you in English, since that will make it easier to understand than if I reply in Swedish.
[To differentiate,]
It is highly relevant for Christians whom want to follow the Ribi Yehoshua – ha-Mashiakh [the “Messiah”] - to know what was written in his authentic teachings. His authentic teachings were later redacted into the “gospel of Matthew” [note 1]. In his true teachings one finds that he taught – just that which is written in the Jewish Bible (which Christians calls the “GT”) – that humankind are required to do their utmost to keep the directives in Torah [“the books of Moses”] non-selectively. [ note 2]
Neither he, nor his followers, accepted the “NT”, since it contradicts Torah [note 1].
According to the Jewish Bible (which Christians wrongly calls the “OT”) a person need to do his/her best to keep the directives of Torah; and only when a person is doing this will the Creator bestow His forgiveness in His loving kindness for that persons missteps and previous transgressions of the directives in the Torah. One is not allowed to deliberately breach the Creator’s directives of Torah, including the prohibition to eat pork and shellfish. I did deliberate transgressions of the directives in the Torah when I was a devoted Christian, and thus I now understand that I didn’t have a relationship with the Creator during the six years when I was a devoted Christian (first a Pentecostal and then a “Messianic”). [note 1]
Ribi Yehoshua was not a “Saviour”. He was a human, not an “incaranate man-god”. The Mashiakh in the Jewish Bible is prophecied to be a human. [3]
Relating to the Creator exactly in the same way Ribi Yehoshua did – by observing the Creators directives in Torah non-selectively (more than just seven groups of mitzwot [military-style orders or directives]; leads you into a relationship with the Creator, which is highly meaningful!
Note 1: Proved in this link
2. Proof in the website of
3. See the website in note 2; “History Museum” (left menu); “Mashiakh”-section (top menu)